Bk butler tube driver mesa amp
Bk butler tube driver mesa amp

Pete Cornish will give you chapter and verse why they are shite and what they do in terms of tone suck when in a chain but switched off. Jester does basically the same, but about 4 times better. If you want Sloe Gin in a box, get a Jester. I can switch over to the EVH 5150 15 watt, and the power chords and distortion blows the doors off this pedal. However the distortion for a power chord sucks. If anyone wants mine, email me this is one of the staple Gilmour pedals, and it's still a very good pedal, yet I think they're crap compared to the Kingsley Jester, which is in another league. Great pedal for a screaming solo or some other additions. Congrats on the BK Butler Kev, it's one I'll never sell!

bk butler tube driver mesa amp

You need a cranked up Plexi style amp with the Tube Driver, Echoplex, reverb, and optional compressor. This is a brand new Tube Driver, BK did a couple for Dave Gilmore recently and then did a couple of short runs after. Joe is 100 correct about the voilin tone. Thread starter jakeddy Start date 1 2 Next. I have the 3 knob Tube Works/BK Butler model like what Andy Timmons uses. I feel that it's easier to get the "violin" tone with that particular tube. That cool Joe, I also prefer a lower gain NOS preamp tube in my Tube Driver.

bk butler tube driver mesa amp

The 12AU7 also tames a little of the spikey-ness of the JJ 12AX7. There is so much gain in these that you actually get a much more musical and usable range with the lower gain tube. Get a feel for the pedal with that tube but IMO I heard a DRAMATIC improvement in mine with a NOS JAN 12AU7. The tube inside appears to be a JJ ECC83 - is this a 12AX7? It arrived today!! I am looking at it now in my office - can't wait to get home and crank it up.

Bk butler tube driver mesa amp